Under-nutrition continues to be a significant underlying cause of death among children under-five in Uganda. Children are unlikely to reach their full potential due to poor nutrition whereas well-nourished children are better equipped to fight disease, learn and contribute to society. Food and nutrition security of the communities in Eastern Uganda where JIACOFE is located remains a challenge, partly attributed to climate change and families taking up sugar cane growing which reduces food production.

JIACOFE addresses malnutrition and food insecurity by focusing on influencing adoption of new behaviors and technologies that promote household food security. JIACOFE facilitates nutritional education to caregivers that involve promoting optimal infant feeding practices and improved WASH practices within households.

Integrated community nutritional awareness campaigns on adequate food and nutrient intake focusing on the 1,000 day window of opportunity from pregnancy to a child’s second birthday are conducted. Breastfeeding, appropriate complementary feeding at six months, feeding during illness, food preparation, hygiene and health care-seeking to promote child health are emphasized.

Through community support groups, JIACOFE identifies and supports critically affected households with improved farm inputs and extension services in modern farming techniques, promotion of recommended nutritional practices using locally available resources to improve their food security and nutritional status. Children are more successful when they are raised in food-secure and economically stable homes and communities.