This project was designed to respond to the desperate pleas of youth and caregivers echoed during the community reflections. Majority of the households could not afford the basic needs of their children and youth. JIACOFE therefore identified and provided out of school youth 15-24 years with training in vocation, entrepreneurship and life skills, Micro-enterprise development and small-scale business skills.
Below is one of the youths who was trained and supported;
Racheal Namulwa
Racheal Namulwa former sponsored child case# 28 is the second born in the family of 6 six children. Racheal’s father abandoned the family and they were left under the care of her mother who did not have stable income. Racheal dropped out of school due to lack of interest towards formal education and joined her mother to sell second hand clothes.
Rachael was trained in micro enterprise management and hair dressing under vocation skills development project. She was given start up tools and started operating her own hair salon business. She earns USD 111 per month and saves USD per week in a Village Saving and Loans Association (VSLA)
Using her monthly income, Racheal is able to meet her basic needs and support her siblings with medical care and school requirements.
Regarding the future, Rachael is focusing on saving money to buy a piece of land, construct a small house to settle her family from rentals and expand her business.